If you have followed the phases of acceptance up to this point, you are probably not feeling too good about accepting things in your life.
You have gone through denial, which is the opposite of accepting and you have gone through anger to cover up and protect your reason for denying what you need to accept.
Some of us unfortunately but truthfully never get past the anger phase, which is why we are still stuck in denial. We never make it to step three…
Bargaining is when you begin to toss the idea of accepting back and forth in your head. Your facts and feelings begin to coincide so you can come to sound conclusions. Basically, you begin to tell yourself it’s time to rip off the bandage and expose that wound and the scar that has formed.
Metaphorically speaking, it may not be fully healed yet, so it may still be sensitive to the touch. Bargaining is a negotiation within yourself to finally say, “this is what it is” and realize it. So, in fact, bargaining can also be called realization.
Now that your feelings have gotten together and you can finally see clearly, you can perceive what you were trying to protect from the beginning. I must warn you that this may not always be a good thing. Realization for some is harder than others based on the situation. For some of us, we’d rather live in denial than come to terms with certain instances and issues no matter how outrageous or outlandish it may sound.
So I ask more questions.
What is it you are running from that you know you need to come to terms with?
Why have you not come to terms with it?
Do you think you ever will? Why or why not?
Rowdy D. Solomon, Jr., Poet/Author/Host
Rowdy D. Solomon, Jr. (Sol) was born November 20, 1991 in Macon, GA. He is a proud military veteran pursuing a career in writing and journalism. He has been writing since December 17, 2010. He published his first book, “A Love War: Twisted”, April 2016, and his second, “The Book of Sol”, June 2016. He published his third book entitled “Long Road to the Altar” in February of 2017. He is published his fourth book entitled “Vehement” October 2018.