We’re finally here!
You’ve gone through denial. You’ve protected your denial through anger. You have come to the realization that there needs to be a change. You have been in low states trying to heal from the circumstances.
It is time to receive the truth. It is time to approve within yourself what you know and move forward. It is time to live again.
This does not mean that you will not have some times that you will have to go back through some of the previous steps. In your phases in accepting, you may even skip some steps based on what type of person you are.
Everyone is different and we all have our own ways of how we deal with the trials and unexpected turns of life.
Imagine the doors you can open for yourself if you simply accept some things and move forward. Some of our successes are hindered by our own stubbornness to not let go and take things for what they are. I challenge you to inspect your life and see what things or even people you need to accept and analyze are these things and people helping you or hurting you.
We all have our own timeframes on how we handle the phases, so take as much time as you need.
Just remember….
Everything that you do starts with you.
What is acceptance to you?
Is it just saying it is what is is, or is it moving on from something after acknowledging it to be true? Whatever the case, many of us have issues with acceptance, whether it be accepting circumstances, situations or even ourselves. Here, I hope to give you tools on how to accept things and the stairway to acceptance.
The path we will go through to acceptance will be: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and overall acceptance. Based on who you are and where you may be in accepting things, which we do this more than we imagine, you may agree or disagree with some of the steps and information. You may even skip over some steps or you have already gone through them or you may not realize you have already gone through some of the way.. Either way, I hope this quick guideline not only relates to you but I am optimistic that it will also open up some doors for you and break down various barriers you may have.
Let’s get to it! Let’s start tearing down those negative walls that hinder us from our best lives!
Be blessed.
Rowdy D. Solomon, Jr., Poet/Author/Host
Rowdy D. Solomon, Jr. (Sol) was born November 20, 1991 in Macon, GA. He is a proud military veteran pursuing a career in writing and journalism. He has been writing since December 17, 2010. He published his first book, “A Love War: Twisted”, April 2016, and his second, “The Book of Sol”, June 2016. He published his third book entitled “Long Road to the Altar” in February of 2017. He is published his fourth book entitled “Vehement” October 2018.